According to Kirk, the Court’s decision acknowledged the real-world challenges faced by local governments.
“The Ninth Circuit’s ruling left many cities without enforceable regulations,” he explained. “This decision restores the ability of local officials to craft tailored solutions that balance the rights of all community members.”
The case also highlighted the collaborative efforts between CIS and its legal partners. CIS partnered with Capitol Legal Services Attorney Aaron Hisel, who has represented the City of Grants Pass since the outset of this case. His unwavering commitment to the City’s defense, paired with the strategic expertise of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, a well-respected law firm, played a pivotal role in securing this landmark decision.
Aaron Hisel detailed the critical role played by Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP.
“Gibson Dunn provided their services at a substantially discounted rate,” according to Aaron. “Their regular rates would have exceeded $1 million, but CIS negotiated an arrangement that allowed us to access top-tier representation for a fraction of the cost. It’s safe to say CIS paid less than 1/20th of their market price,” he added.
The firm’s interest in the case stemmed, in part, from its involvement in Martin v. Boise.
“This was an opportunity for them to help clarify precedent that had significant implications for local governments nationwide,” Aaron explained.