Insightful CIS Stats
new property/casualty claims were handled for the year — up 1% from last year. There were 136 new lawsuits filed and defended for our members. We are defending 251 open litigated files at a cost of $3.6 million with reserves in excess of $54 million.
One case went to trial and was won. Pursued subrogation opportunities and recovered over $1.1 million from the responsible parties — reducing our overall claim costs. Thirty-two trials are scheduled for 2022.
Pre-Loss events logged — and one new Pre-Loss Associate Attorney, Cindy Lin, added to help members work through employment-related issues. The Pre-Loss/Hire-to-Retire teams collectively handled over 1,000 member contacts.
individuals from 204 member organizations complete 22,302 online courses in 2021. This was a 29% increase in users from 2020 and a new record for the CIS Learning Center.